Group Meeting

    I never had a group meeting in a Pub before, today I experience it. Its not that bad really, haha…just never thought I will go to a Pub that’s all..and its for group discussion on project too. The feel was alrite, just its hard to get across what we have in mind to other group members. But, we finally come to some conclusion on the E-R diagram. Still got others to do though, which is very sad …. Thx Peter for the drink, I’ll pay next time . Better get back to work now, its a long nite for me…..
    Been bad today..give black piggy to myself…haha


    陰陰沈沈適合我多d﹐太 bright 反而令自己唔自在。
    好多人都話: 開心又一日唔開心又一日﹐點解唔開開心心咁過呢?
    我都有考慮過 E 個問題﹐答案就係我做唔到﹐唔係我唔想試而係我真係唔得。自己知自己事喇﹐天生典型悲觀主義者﹐多疑﹐不夠自信﹐鑽牛角尖 <<嘆氣一下>>。 有太多太多我自己心裡明白﹐但係唔願意講出黎。我唔係小孩子喇﹐以前有個朋友同我講﹐話 : " 如果唔識你就會以為你好似小孩咁﹐但係一同你講過野﹐就會知道其實你想的事都好多。感覺唔再係一個小孩。" 我曾經有過我 "童真"﹐真實o既一面。但係人大左﹐唔會真係咩改變都無。負擔都多左喇﹐真係可以成日都做細老仔咩。。。如果可以﹐我都想….

Good ppl do deserve good thing..

    Richard introduced me to new friends yesterday, they are kind enough to invite me to go to their BBQ. Maggie, Kuan and Qti were the host of the BBQ, Kuan is Maggie’s loving bf and Qti is Maggie’s mum. All very nice ppl, I can’t believe there are still such type of person exist in the world like this. Maybe so far, I haven’t really open up my social circle or should I say, I have been closing my social circle. They still haven’t lost their innocent and the inner child, that’s the part I amdir the most. Maggie even took us a tour around her house, showing us her collectiong (the stuff that I LOVE~~~cutie stuff lor)…She even said, we could come by her house any time, as long as there is someone at home, though she might said it out of politeness but I don’t see it that way, she is just too kind … no pressure at her house, even the Qti is like a kid, I had so much fun at their house. I could learn from them, since Maggie and Kuan are in the real world now, as in…hahaha…they have proper job~~~ Even their friends are like nice too, dun know ah…just had a really nice time at their place yesterday. The BBQ started at 12pm I presum…but we got there like 1pm..then….after a while….help out to set the fire, it is a very hard job I must admit…ahahah…took us a bit of time to get the fire going ah….. I had work in the arvo…so is Richard…we left at 4pm lah….by the way…the food was like really nice too…before we go Maggie invited us to come back after work to have supper (which is more BBQ and other food lah)…We did come back for more… coz.. i just feel happy around them… I hope to see them again soon~~ I wish I can be as cheery as they are … and be that open up to feeling as they are too … I wish I can change…
Thx Maggie, Kuan and Qti for giving me such a great time….THX


如果你走得太累 需不需要我陪你一會
陪你擦乾你臉上的淚 和你莫名的傷悲
如果你的世界 需要一點安慰
在你走過的歲月 喜怒哀樂是否都有一點
太美的夢曾讓你沉醉 太多的愛情也讓你心碎
如果你的黑夜 需要一點依偎
我不是一個好的詩人 也不是一個好的愛人
但也許我可以陪著你 歡笑哭泣
我不是一個好的詩人 也不是一個好的愛人
當你純真的雙眼 開始懷疑這滄海桑田
昨天的執著已成迷惑 你的信仰是否依然虔誠
如果你的思念 不再需要謊言
我不是一個好的詩人 也不是一個好的愛人
但也許我可以陪著你 歡笑哭泣
我不是一個好的詩人 也不是一個好的愛人
也許我不會說 你要求的承諾
也許我不會做 你要我寫的歌
因為我不是一個好的詩人 也不是一個好的愛人
但也許我可以陪著你 歡笑哭泣
我不是一個好的詩人 也不是一個好的愛人


    姐今日畢業喇﹐行左畢業典禮。特然好有感慨﹐又有小許不捨。都唔係我畢業﹐但係感覺就好似我要離開咁。有小小唔開心。。。sigh…都唔知做咩喇。。。post up d photos 就算喇….

Driven to insanity

    The workload…the pressure…the stress…the "mental torture"…are killing me bit by bit…Starting from Week 2 of Uni, I hadn’t be happy at all. Only depress, depress and more depress. The pain still remain…I don’t know how long would it take to just let the wound stop bleeding…still hurt till this day…I want to take a big step forward…step over all the pain and let them remain behind…but I’m not too sure how can I do that….Any advice ppl?? … Week 4 already…my mood swing had gone to the top…
    I’m going to break down soon…since no one would understand wat I went through…and no one would understand why I’m being like this…since..no one can be ME…. I think weird… I know I’m weird… just want to have my life back that’s all… just want to have what I HAD back… Give me back my innocent…. give me ME back… sigh…I dun make sense any more….stuff it….

Getting busy~

    As we are heading toward the 3rd week of Uni, the workload are just overwhelming. 340, 341 and 351 group projects are ready to roll. Project plan and individual time-table for 341 are to be hand in on Friday, as well as having our first 340 client meeting on the very same day. I’m feeling a bit nervous and panic for all my subjects, each require a fair amount of time for reading and for group meeting. So, I don’t think there will  be any "free" time left for personal use. This sem will be all about stress, stress and more stress. I’ll try to do my best…so…haha…better do some work now…..Take care everyone….its just the beginning…


    Let me rot…but don’t let me die…
    Let me cry…but don’t let me fly…
    Wipe away my tears…
    Wipe away my fears…
    Hold on me tight….
    Give me some warmth and hope…
    A bit lost atm…very blur….very dark…


    Uni had start…and I’m not feeling relax about it. First day of Uni and I realise I’ll need to give out more effort than last year….way more effort..and this thought is scaring me. Projects, Assignments, mid-sem test, everything everything is stressing me out already. I can’t say that I am a hard working student, and I never will be one. I want to try hard this sem, I really want to try. I better start learning soon or else I’ll regret it so much. Need to work tonite, sigh……will be hard for me to pick it up again. Aiyah…stuff it…better get something done…..well..one thing I get done yesterday is finish cleaning up my room….very satisfy with it…..wipe the dust and rearrange the room…heheheh…..I like it….oh well…better do something now…..so hot today..might be busy tonite lor……


    回到家的第二天啦﹐感覺某些事情都變了。我竟然忘了今天是 Kelly 的生日﹐我好對不起你阿 Kelly。原諒我吧!!!!!! 今日第一日回大學﹐好怪。原本想好好讀書﹐但係感覺力不從心。累阿﹐好想訓阿感。對唔住阿 Kelly >.<。。。係我太無心肝喇。遲d settle down d就穩你去食飯阿 kk??
    ok….我放左個好長o既假。返左廣州過年阿﹐去埋香港﹐澳門同北京。北京有好多景點都無得 see see﹐要 get ready for 2008 奧運。可惜阿~~!!! 食個方面就真係 no comment 喇﹐都飽 ge。我好鍾意間 hotel﹐每日返到去都覺得好舒服阿。又有電視﹐bathroom﹐heater﹐又有人 clean up。真係爽阿~~!!! 有 take 好多 photos﹐有時間就 post 上黎比大家 look look ah。 hm…我重有野要去 tidy up~~ 唔寫住囉。 Bai Bai~